
Once a year the Mums and Govies from all over the north converge on Mount Isa for 4 days of school and seminars, all designed to help out in your isolated classroom. As well as catching up with families and friends you only see once or twice a year.

It doesn’t sound like a lot, but some people have travelled over 1000 km to be there for their children. Moreover, for some, it is just too far to be feasible. The week is divided into many wonderful face-to-face school days, which the kids absolutely love! Attending a regular day of school for children, who are usually in an isolated classroom, can be filled with so much excitement. They get to spend time with their much-loved teachers, friends and peers. Traditional school based activities such as school photos; collective music lessons and a sports day on the Friday are all an integral part of Home Tutor week.

There is also the opportunity for the parents and govies to network with each other, and just have a good old fashioned catch-up, something that can be few and far between in the outback. The govies set a night, usually a Thursday, to head out for dinner, have a few drinks and swap schoolroom and station stories. Some come from the bigger stations, that have large numbers of staff others from smaller places where they are the only ones with the family. All in all everyone has a great time sharing aspects of their life, and gaining some great knowledge and helpful tips for school and life in general.

It is important, before I continue too much further, to make the distinction between the term ‘Home Tutor’ and ‘Govie or Governess’. Home Tutor refers to a Mum (or parent) who is teaching her own children, and a Govie or Governess refers to a paid employee who teaches the children on the parent’s behalf.

For the Home Tutors and Govies, the seminar runs on Wednesday and Thursday and usually consists of a keynote speaker and varying workshops that are all based around one central theme. This year’s theme was ‘Foundations’-focusing on the basics of behaviour and emotions all while incorporating self-care and the importance of looking after your needs before others. I found this so enriching, and empowering. As my incredible journey progresses I have become so much more aware of my own needs and have become perfectly capable of creating distance where needed. The chance to gain some one-on-one time with some great teachers and guest-speakers is so important, and having the ability to learn new ideas and take something back to your classroom whether it is behavioural management, technology advice or discovering new aspects of learning to implement in your classroom.

It is interesting to note that the amount of knowledge and growth I have gained in the last two and a half years working and living in North-west QLD has been phenomenal. This has a lot to do with the people that I surround myself with in my everyday life, and the variation in circumstances and experiences I have had. My ability to resolve and process my own emotional problems is a huge one. Also not relying on anyone heavily for anything is something I have learnt. I don’t spend all my time trying to people please anymore. Honestly, it is not feasible. I can’t be there for everything I want to be, and that’s 100% okay. For S and I, this is a huge opportunity, in more than one single way. We are able to financially set ourselves up for the future we want, as well as working on our own strengths and growth mindsets. The skills I am learning inside the classroom and house are things I would never have been able to gain staying put, in the safety of my comfort zone. I have learnt how to survive in circumstances that are out of my control. I have been physically isolated from civilization for weeks at a time, I have learnt how to educate children of varying age groups (including just how much work goes into the basics of reading and writing-which has given a new found appreciation for the work teachers undertake). My job encompasses so many other roles. I have been a cook, a cleaner, a temporary mother, a vet, a govie, a ringer, a gardener, a friend, a wife and so much more. Within all these responsibilities, I have become so much more aware of who I am.

I also want to add that I have one of the most incredible bosses. She has taught me so many things, both indirectly and directly. I have been blessed to be able to gain some very important knowledge and advice from her, and I honestly think that I have grown so much purely because of her guidance.

We grow and we learn, and sometimes the best things in life come from the hardest decisions you could make. I will no longer spend my time justifying my life choices to those around me. It is my life, and I can say I am enjoying every single moment of this crazy life I lead. In all honesty, I don’t think I would change a single thing.